Cloud Migration & Server Decommissioning

Renwick Medical Case Study

Client: Renwick Medical Centre is a Corner Stone accredited medical practice serving the rural community of Marlborough via clinics in Renwick and the Wairau Valley. Their vision is to provide integrated community care that is accessible to the local residents.

Challenge Experienced: Renwick Medical Centre needed to transition to a cloud-based ecosystem to eliminate reliance on a physical on-premise server and harness the benefits of a cloud-based model. The shift from an on-premise server to a cloud-based ecosystem offers significant advantages such as increased scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. This move enables Renwick Medical Centre to easily adapt resources to meet changing demands, reduce capital expenditure, and leverage a variety of services provided by the cloud provider.

Solution Provided: BlueBerry IT facilitated the migration of Renwick Medical Centre from a local on-premises domain controller and file server to Microsoft Azure Cloud Active Directory as a Service, and SharePoint Online. We transitioned all line of business and Microsoft 365 services from locally installed versions to cloud-based versions. This migration enhances accessibility, improves collaboration, and allows for seamless updates and improvements.

Client Experience: Practice Manager Jo Spooner expressed that while the project was initially a daunting undertaking, the support from BlueBerry IT, particularly from the primary engineer Aaron, was invaluable. Aaron’s support was instrumental in making the transition as smooth as possible. Jo noted Aaron’s clear communication with both herself and her team, and his readiness to assist with any issues that emerged throughout the process.


The successful migration to a cloud-based system has empowered Renwick Medical Centre with enhanced flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. BlueBerry IT’s expertise ensured a smooth transition, enabling the medical centre to focus on providing high-quality care to the community.

For more information about how BlueBerry IT can help your organisation with cloud migration and IT solutions, contact us today!


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